1985年生,博士,研究员。2007年毕业于吉林大学地球科学学院,获资源勘查工程学士学位。2012年毕业于中国地震局地质研究所,获构造地质学博士学位。博士研究生期间(2010年12月至2011年12月),作为联合培养博士在加州大学圣芭芭拉分校国际著名构造地貌学家Douglas Burbank教授所在课题组进行为期一年的学习。2014至2016年在中国石油勘探开发研究院进行博士后研究。2016至2019年在中山大学地球科学与工程学院作为特聘研究员开展研究工作。先后主持和重点参与了多项国家自然科学基金,中国地震局行业专项和基础业务专项等。到目前为止在GRL、JGR、Tectonics、SRL、地震地质等国内外著名学术期刊发表论文50余篇;其中第一作者SCI论文10篇,通讯作者SCI论文7篇。培养硕士研究生3名。现指导博士研究生2名。
2010.12-2011.12:美国加州大学圣巴巴拉分校 留学基金委 联合培养博士 构造地质学
2007.09-2012.06:中国地震局地质研究所 构造地质学专业
2003.09-2007.07:吉林大学地球科学学院 资源勘查工程
2019.08-至今: 中国地震局地质研究所,研究员
(1) 断层带结构特征和生长演化,断层相关褶皱作用
(2) 断层(几何、物性)结构与强震破裂行为
(3) 帕米尔-西昆仑、南天山新生代构造演化
1. 国家重点研发计划课题,2022YFC3003702,新疆—中亚陆内俯冲带大震震源识别与危险性分析(新疆—中亚陆内俯冲带主要活动断裂空间分布及活动性),2022-11至2025-12,328万元,在研,主持
2. 新疆维吾尔自治区科学技术厅,新疆维吾尔自治区重点研发专项子课题,2022B03001-1,西南天山-西昆仑地区强震潜在危险源关键技术研究,2022-01至2024-12,9.7万元,在研,主持
3. 中国地震局地质研究所,中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务专项,IGCEA2138,玛多地震孕震环境、发震断层和同震破裂特征,2022-01至2025-12,120万元,在研,主持
4. 中国地震局地质研究所,中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务专项,IGCEA2136,青海玛多地震科考研究,2021-05至2022-04,50万元,在研,主持
5. 新疆维吾尔自治区科学技术厅,新疆维吾尔自治区重点研发专项子课题,2020B03006
6. 中国地震局地质研究所,中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务专项,IGCEA2001,新疆伽师地震科考研究,2020-02至2021-08,67万元,在研,主持
7. 中国地震局地质研究所,中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务专项,IGCEA1920,新疆尼勒克、乌恰、精河地震发震构造,2019-10至2022-12,95万元,在研,主持
8. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,41772196,帕米尔东北缘大型右旋走滑断层的雏形:来自克孜勒苏河走廊晚第四纪变形的约束,2018/01-2021/12, 79万元,在研,主持
9. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,41774049,基于三维构造模型的滨海断裂带地震危险性评价和震害情景预测,2018/01-2021/12, 70万元,在研,参加
10. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,41472176,断层转折褶皱作用的参数空间及其对应的力学机制与预测模型,2015/01-2018/12,78万元,结题,参加
11. 国家自然科学青年基金项目,41302172,活动褶皱陡坎的识别、变形、运动学模型与强震,2014/01-2016/12,26万元,结题,主持
12. 地震局所长基金项目,活动弯滑断层和逆弯矩断层作用-以帕米尔-天山碰撞带乌拉根背斜为例,2012/09-2013/08,9.9万元,结题,主持
2021.07至今 《地震地质》编委
2021.07至今 中国地震学会第十届青年科技工作委员会委员
2021.02至今 中国地震学会构造地貌专业委员会委员
2021.01至今 科技部“新疆帕米尔陆内俯冲野外科学观测研究站”副站长
2021.12 入选中国地震局“青年人才”计划
2021.09 中国地震学会第十二届李善邦青年优秀地震科技论文奖 二等奖
2021.07 中国地震局防震减灾科学成果奖 一等奖 共10排第2
赫洪哲,李涛 (通讯作者),陈杰,钱黎. 先存构造对1985年8月23日新疆乌恰Mw6.9地震地表破裂几何形态和变形样式的制约. 地球科学,审稿中.
Li C., Li T. (通讯作者), Hollingsworth J., Zhang Y., Qian L., Shan X. (2023). Strain threshold for the formation of coseismic surface rupture. Geophysical Research Letters, 50, e2023GL103666.
Di N., Li C., Li T. (通讯作者), Hu W., Chen Z., Zhang Y., Lü L., Chen J., Shan X. (2023). The 2021 Mw 5.2 Baicheng Earthquake: Implications for the hazards of extremely shallow earthquakes. Seismological Research Letters, 94(4), 1775-1790.
Zhang Y., Shan X., Gong W., Zhang G., Qu C., Li T. (2023). Strain accommodation and seismic hazards of the Kalpin fold-and-thrust belt, Southwestern Tian Shan foreland, China: Insights from the 2020 Mw 6.0 Kalpin Earthquake. JGR-Solid Earth, 128, e2022JB025328.
Li C., Li T. (通讯作者), Shan X., Zhang G. (2022). Extremely large off-fault deformation during the 2021 Mw 7.4 Maduo earthquake, Tibetan Plateau. Seismological Research Letters, 94(1), 39-51.
Yuan Z., Li T. (通讯作者), Su P., Sun H., Ha G., Guo P., Chen G., Thompson Jobe J. (2022). Large surface- rupture gaps and low surface fault slip of the 2021 Mw 7.4 Maduo earthquake along a low-activity strike-slip fault, Tibetan Plateau. Geophysical Research Letters, 49, e2021GL096874.
Zhang B., Zheng W., Li T., Wang W., Chen J., Li Z., Li X., Duan L. (2022). Late Cenozoic fold deformation in the northern margin of Qaidam Basin and southward propagation of Qilian Shan. Tectonophysics, 822, 229153.
Li T., Sun J., Bao Y., Zhan Y., Shen Z., Xu X., Lasserre C. (2021). The 2019 Mw 5.8 Changning, China Earthquake: A cascade rupture of fold-accommodation faults induced by fluid injection. Tectonophysics, 801, 228721.
Lü L., Li T. (通讯作者), Chen Z., Chen J., Thompson Jobe J., Fang L. (2021). Active structural geometries and their correlation with moderate (M 5.5-7.0) earthquakes in the Jiashi-Keping region, Tian Shan southwestern front. Tectonics, 40, e2021TC006760.
Hu Z., Li T. (通讯作者), Thompson Jobe J., Yang X. (2021). Lower portion rupture of a thrust fault during the 2017 Mw 6.3 Jinghe earthquake: Implications to seismic hazards in the Tian Shan region. Seismological research Letters, 92, 2134-2144.
Hu X., Cao X., Li T., Mao J., Zhang J., He X., Zhang Y., Pan B. (2021). Late Quaternary fault slip rate within the Qilian Orogen, insight into the deformation kinematics for the NE Tibetan Plateau. Tectonics, Tectonics, 40, e2020TC006586.
Tian Q., Kirby, E., Zheng W., Zhang H., Liang H., Li Z., Wang W., Li T., Zhang Y., Xu B., Zhang P. (2021). Late Quaternary variations in paleoerosion rates in the northern Qilian Shan revealed by 10Be in fluvial terraces. Geomorphology, 386, 107751.
李智敏,李文巧(通讯作者),李涛(通讯作者),徐岳仁等. (2021). 2021年5月22日青海玛多Ms7.4地震的发震构造和地表破裂初步调查. 地震地质, 43(3):722-737.
Yao Y., Wen S., Li T. The 2020 Mw 6.0 Jiashi Earthquake: A Fold Earthquake Event in the Southern Tian Shan, Northwest China. Seismological Research Letters, 92, 859-869.
Xu J., Arrowsmith J. Chen J., Schoenbohm L., Li T., Yuan Z., Owen L. (2020). Evaluating young fluvial terrace riser degradation using a nonlinear transport model: Application to the Kongur Normal Fault in the Pamir, northwest China. Earth Surface Process and Landforms, 46, 280-295.
Xu J., Chen J., Arrowsmith J., Li T., Zhang B., Di N., Pang W. (2020). Growth model and tectonic significance of the Guman fold along the Western Kunlun mountain front (Xinjiang, China) derived from terrace deformation and seismic data. Frontiers in Earth Science, 8, 590043.
Feng W., Samsonov S., Qiu Q., Wang Y., Zhang P., Li T., Zheng W. (2020). Orthogonal fault rupture and rapid postseismic deformation following 2019 Ridgecrest, California, earthquake sequence revealed from geodetic observations. Geophysical Research Letters, 47, e2019GL086888.
Li Z., Chen W., Jia D., Zheng W., Zhang P., Wang W., Li T., Xiong J. (2020). The effects of fault geometry and kinematic parameters on 3D fold morphology: insights from 3D geometric models and comparison with the Dushanzi anticline, China. Tectonics, 39, e2019TC005713.
何骁慧, 李涛, 吴传勇, 郑文俊, 张培震 (2020). 基于区域地震波形的2017年新疆精河Ms6.6地震破裂方向性及发震构造研究. 地球物理学报,63(4), 1459-1471.
邓金花,韩非,李涛,张博譞,许建红,姚远 (2020). 帕米尔东北部木吉断层晚第四纪运动性质和滑动速率的约束. 第四纪研究, 40(1), 114-123.
王浩然,陈杰,李涛,李跃华,张博譞 (2020). 北天山前陆盆地前缘西湖背斜带第四纪褶皱作用. 地震地质, 42(4), 791-805.
覃金堂,陈杰,李涛 (2020). 阿尔金断裂带中段现代沉积物样品钾长石红外激发后红外释光的残留信号. 地震地质,42(4), 981-992.
Li T., Chen Z., Chen J., Thompson J., Burbank D., Li Z., He X., Zheng W., Zhang P., Zhang B. (2019). Along-strike and downdip segmentation of the Pamir Frontal Thrust and its association with the 1985 Mw 6.9 Wuqia Earthquake. JGR: Solid Earth, 124, 9890-9919.
Li T., Schoenbohm L., Chen J., Yuan Z., Feng W., Li W., Xu J., Owen L., Sobel E., Zhang B., Zheng W., Zhang P. (2019). Cumulative and coseismic (during the 2016 Mw 6.6 Aketao earthquake) deformation of the dextral-slip Muji Fault, northeastern Pamir orogen. Tectonics, 38, 3975-3989.
Li Z. (通讯作者), Li T. (通讯作者), Almeida R., Zhang P., Zheng W., Sun C., Jia D., Chen Z. (2019). Lateral fault growth in the Kashi anticline (Chinese Tian Shan): Insights from seismic interpretation, shortening distribution and tri-shear methods. JGR: Solid Earth, 124, 7303-7319.
Yao Y., Chen J., Li T., Fu B., Wang H., Li Y., Jia H. (2019). Soil liquefaction in seasonally frozen ground during the 2016 Mw6.6 Akto earthquake. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 117, 138-148.
Li Z., Zheng W., Zhang P., Almeida R., Jia D., Sun C., Wang W., Li T. (2019). Evidence for three Cenozoic phases of upper crustal shortening of the Xiongpo structure in the Longmen Shan fold-and-thrust belt, China: Implications for the eastward growth of the eastern Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 179, 138-148.
Li Z., Zhang P., Jia D., Zheng W., Sun C., Li Y., Almeida R., Chen W., Li T. (2019). 3D geometric modeling for the Yanjinggou anticline in the Longmen Shan fold-and-thrust belt, China: Oblique thrusting kinematic implications. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 179, 99-111.
Gong W., Zhang Y., Li T., Zhao D., Hou L., Wen S., Shan X. (2019). Multi-sensor space geodetic observations and modeling of the 2017 Mw 6.3 Jinghe earthquake. Remote Sensing, 11, 2157.
Li T., Chen J., Thompson Jobe J., Burbank D., Cheng X., Xu J., Li Z., Zheng W., Zhang P. (2018). Active bending-moment faulting: Geomorphic expression, controlling conditions, accommodation of fold deformation. Tectonics, 37, 2278-2306.
Thompson J., Li T., Bookhagen B., Chen J., Burbank D. (2018). Dating growth strata and basin fill by combining 26Al/10Be burial dating and magneto- stratigraphy: Constraining active deformation in the Pamir-Tian Shan convergence zone, NW China. Lithosphere, 10, 806-828.
Thompson J., Chen J., Yang H., Li T., Bookhagen B., Burbank D. (2018).Coarse- versus fine-grain quartz OSL and cosmogenic 10Be dating of deformed fluvial terraces on the northeast Pamir margin, northwest China. Quaternary Geochronology, 46, 1-15.
Xiong J., Li Y., Zheng W., Zhang P., Lei J., Zhong Y., Hu X., Li Z., Gong Z., Li T. (2018). Climatically driven formation of the Tangxian planation surface in North China: An example from northwestern Zhongtiao Shan of the Shanxi Graben System. Lithosphere, 10(4), 530-544.
Li Z., Zhang P., Zheng W., Jia D., Hubbard J., Almeida R., Sun C., Shi X., Li T. (2018). Oblique thrusting and strain partitioning in the Longmen Shan fold-and-thrust belt, eastern Tibetan Plateau. JGR: Solid Earth, 123, 4431-4453.
Li T., Chen J., Thompson Jobe J., Burbank D. (2017). Active flexural-slip faulting: Controls exerted by stratigraphy, geometry and fold kinematics. JGR: Solid Earth, 122, 8538-8565.
Thompson J., Li T., Chen J., Burbank D., Bufe A. (2017). Quaternary tectonic evolution of the Pamir-Tian Shan convergent zone, northwest China. Tectonics, 36, 2748-2776.
Yang H., Chen J., Porat N., Li T., Li W., Xiao W. (2017). Coarse versus fine-grain quartz optical dating of the sediments related to the 1985 Ms7.4 Wuqia earthquake, northeastern margin of the Pamir salient, China. Geochronometria, 44, 299-306.
Ainscoe E., Elliott J., Copley A., Craig T., Li T., Parsons B, Walker R. (2017). Blind thrusting, surface folding, and the development of geological structure in the Mw6.3 2015 Pishan (China) Earthquake. JGR: Solid Earth, 122, 9359-9382.
Bufe A., Bekaert D., Hussain E., Bookhagen B., Burbank D., Thompson Jobe J., Chen J., Li T., Liu L., Gan W. (2017). Temporal changes in rock-uplift rates of folds in the foreland of the Tian Shan and Pamir from geodetic and geologic data. Geophysical Research Letters, 44, 10977-10987.
Bufe A., Burbank D., Liu L., Bookhagen B., Qin J., Chen J., Li T., Thompson Jobe J., Yang H. (2017). Variations of lateral bedrock erosion rates control planation of uplifting folds in the foreland of the Tian Shan, NW China. JGR: Earth Surface, 122, 2431-2467.
Li T., Chen J., Fang L., Chen Z., Thompson J., Jia C. (2016). The 2015 Mw 6.4 Pishan earthquake: Seismic hazards of active blind wedge thrust system at the western Kunlun range front, northwest Tibetan Plateau. Seismological Research Letters, 87, 601-608.
Sun J., Shen Z., Li T., Chen J. (2016). Thrust faulting and 3D ground deformation of the 3 July 2015 Mw 6.4 Pishan, China earthquake from Sentinel-1A radar interferometry. Tectonophysics, 683, 77-85.
陈杰,李涛,孙建宝,房立华,姚远,李跃华,王浩然,付博 (2016). 2016年11月25日新疆阿克陶Mw6.6地震发震构造与地表破裂. 地震地质,38(4),1160-1174.
Li T., Chen J., Thompson J., Burbank D., Yang H. (2015). Hinge-migrated fold scarp model based on an analysis of bed geometry: a study from the Mingyaole anticline, southern foreland of Chinese Tian Shan. JGR: Solid Earth, 120, 6592-6613.
Li T., Chen J., Thompson J., Burbank D., Yang X. (2015). Active flexural-slip faulting: a study from the Pamir-Tian Shan convergent zone, NW China. JGR: Solid Earth, 120, 4359-4378.
Thompson J., Burbank D., Li T., Chen J., Bookhagen B. (2015). Late Miocene northward propagation of the northeast Pamir thrust system, northwest China. Tectonics, 34, 510-534.
李涛,陈杰,肖伟鹏. (2014). 滑脱褶皱陡坎的变形特征和运动学模型:以帕米尔-南天山前陆地区明尧勒背斜为例. 地震地质,36(3),677-691.
李涛,陈杰. (2014). 利用河流阶地限定活动逆断层相关褶皱晚第四纪变形机制和速率:方法与认识. 地震地质,36(2),478-488.
Li T., Chen J., Thompson J., Burbank D., Yang X. (2013). Quantification of three-dimensional folding using fluvial terraces: a case study from the Mushi anticline, northern margin of the Chinese Pamir. JGR-Solid Earth, 118, 4628-4647.
李涛,陈杰,肖伟鹏. (2013). 帕米尔-天山对冲带明尧勒背斜西南倾伏端晚第四纪褶皱变形. 地震地质,35(2),234-246.
Li T., Chen J., Thompson J., Burbank D., Xiao W. (2012). Equivalency of geologic and geodetic rates in contractional orogens: new insights from the Pamir Frontal Thrust. Geophysical Research Letters, 39, L15305.
Bershaw J., Garzione C., Schoenbohm L., Gehrels G., Li T. (2012). Cenozoic evolution of the Pamir plateau based on stratigraphy, zircon provenance, and stable isotopes of foreland basin sediments at Oytag (Wuyitake) in the Tarim Basin (west China). Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 44, 136-148.
李涛,陈杰,肖伟鹏,Burbank D.,Thompson J.,杨晓东 (2011). 西南天山前缘乌拉根背斜南翼逆断层的发现及其地质意义. 地震地质,33(2):277-288.
李涛,陈杰,肖伟鹏,Burbank D.,黄明达,Thompson J. (2011).利用变形河流阶地限定帕米尔北缘木什背斜的缩短、隆升和侧向扩展. 地震地质,33(2):308-322.
陈杰,李涛,李文巧,袁兆德 (2011). 帕米尔构造结及邻区的晚新生代构造与现今变形. 地震地质,33(2):241-259.
肖伟鹏,陈杰,李涛,李文巧,Thompson J. (2011). 帕米尔北缘木什背斜第四纪滑脱褶皱作用与北翼逆断裂的生长. 地震地质,33(2):289-307.
李文巧,陈杰,袁兆德,黄明达,李涛,余松,杨晓东 (2011). 帕米尔高原1985年塔什库尔干地震地表多段同震破裂与发震构造. 地震地质,33(2):260-276.
李涛,陈杰,黄明达,余松 (2009). 逆断层型地震地表破裂带滑动矢量计算方法探讨-以汶川地震为例. 第四纪研究,29(3):524-534.