简 介:
2011.9-2015.6 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,地图学与地理信息系统专业,博士
2008.9-2011.6 西北大学城市与环境学院,地图学与地理信息系统专业,硕士
2004.9-2008.6 西北大学城市与资源学系,地理信息系统专业,本科
2023.1-今 中国地震局地质研究所,地震与地质灾害风险研究室,研究
2019.1-2022.12 中国地震局地质研究所,地震与地质灾害风险研究室,副研究员
2015.07-2018.12 中国地震局地质研究所,地震应急技术与减灾信息研究室,助理研究员
1. 多源大数据地震灾情实时感知、快速评估和动态分析
2. 承灾体参数定量遥感反演
3. 地震灾害风险评估和区划
4. 地震应急准备和处置对策
2024.9-至今 中国地震学会地震应急专业委员会副主任委员
2024.3-至今 国际数字地球学会中国国家委员会(CNISDE)数字减灾专业委员会委员
2023.8-至今 中国遥感应用协会热红外遥感专业委员会委员
2020.1-至今 中国地震学会地震应急专业委员会委员
2012.09-2014.08:University of Strasbourg,联合培养博士,定量遥感,合作导师:F. Nerry
1. 应急管理部重点科技计划项目,多模态驱动的精准智能化地震应急处置技术研究及示范应用(2024EMST040405),2025.1-2026.12,项目负责人
2. 国家重点研发计划项目子课题,喀什市和阿图什市城区及相关重要工程集中区大震精细化灾害风险评估(2022YFC3003705-04),2022.11-2025.10,子课题负责人
3. 中国地震局地质研究所重点项目,地震和次生地质灾害分区致死性评估技术研究(IGCEA2106),2021.1-2024.12,项目负责人
4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,考虑三维结构和邻近像元效应影响的城市高分辨率热红外地表温度遥感反演方法研究,(42071337),2021.1-2024.12,项目负责人
5. 国家重点研发计划项目子课题,基于热红外遥感的街区埋压人员快速评估技术(2018YFC1504403-02),2018.12-2021.12,子课题负责人
6. 国家重点研发计划项目子课题,基于致死性的震前预评估和震后灾情综合分析技术研究(2018YFC1504503-04),2018.12-2021.12,子课题负责人
7. 国家自然科学青年基金项目,卷云条件下热红外数据地表温度遥感反演方法研究(41601390),2017.1-2019.12,项目负责人
8. 中国地震局“大中城市地震灾害情景构建”重点专项,大中城市震后基本应急物资与设备供应对策研究(2016QJGJ14),2016.1-2016.12,专题负责人
9. 中国地震局地质研究所基本科研业务专项,基于城市夜间灯光卫星遥感数据的地震人员伤亡估算方法研究(IGCEA1522),2015.9-2018.7,项目负责人
1. Wenyu Nie, Xiwei Fan*, Jing Wang, Lin Wang, Yuanmeng Qi, Min Liu. 2024. Fine-scale spatiotemporal earthquake casualty risk assessment considering building function,International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 112, 104806
2. Jing Wang, Xiwei Fan*, Zhijie Zhang, Xuefei Zhang, Wenyu Nie, Yuanmeng Qi, Nan Zhang. 2024. Spatiotemporal mechanism-based spacetimeformer network for InSAR deformation prediction and identification of retrogressive thaw slumps in the chumar river basin. Remote Sensing. 16, 1891.
3. Zhigang Deng, Xiwei Fan*, Jian Chen. 2023. A Machine Learning Method for Building Height Estimation Based on Sentinel-2 Bi-Temporal Images. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing,89(1), 27–36.
4. Wenyu Nie, Xiwei Fan*, Gaozhong Nie, Huayue Li, Chaoxu Xia. 2022. Building Function Type Identification Using Mobile Signaling Data Based on a Machine Learning Method. Remote Sensing. 14, 4697
5. Xiwei Fan, Gaozhong Nie, Chaoxu Xia, Junxue Zhou. 2021. Estimation of pixel-level seismic vulnerability of the building environment based on mid-resolution optical remote sensing images. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 101:102339.
6. Xiwei Fan, Gaozhong Nie, Yaohui Liu, Li Ni, Chaoxu Xia. 2021. Impact of cloud reduction on MODIS thermal infrared sea surface temperature retrieval. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 60, 4201919RS.2021.3097505.
7. Xiwei Fan, Gaozhong Nie, Yaohui Liu, Li Ni. 2021. A thermal infrared land surface temperature retrieval algorithm for thin cirrus skies using cirrus optical properties. IEEE Access, 9: 82380- 82389.
8. Xihai Zhang, Xun Zeng, Gaozhong Nie, Xiwei Fan*. 2021. An empirical method to estimate earthquake direct economic losses using building damages in high intensity area as a proxy. Natural Hazards Research, 1, 63–70
9. Yaohui Liu, Jie Zhou, Wenhua Qi, Xiaoli Li, Lutz Gross, Qi Shao, Zhengguang Zhao, Li Ni, Xiwei Fan*, Zhiqiang Li. 2020. ARC-Net: An efficient network for building extraction from high-resolution aerial images, IEEE Access, 8: 154997-155010.
10. Xiwei Fan, Gaozhong Nie, Yan Deng, Jiwen An, Junxue Zhou, Chaoxu Xia, Xiaoke Pang. 2019. Estimating earthquake-damage areas using Landsat-8 OLI surface reflectance data. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 33: 275-283.
11. Xiwei Fan, Gaozhong Nie, Yan Deng, Jiwen An, Junxue Zhou, Huayue Li. 2018. Rapid detection of earthquake damage areas using VIIRS nearly constant contrast night-time light data. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 40(5-6): 2386-2409.
12. Xiwei Fan, Gaozhong Nie, Hua Wu, Bo-Hui Tang. 2018. Estimation of land surface temperature from three thermal infrared channels of MODIS data for dust aerosol skies. Optics Express, 26(4): 4148-4165.
13. Xiwei Fan, Bo-Hui Tang, Hua Wu, Guangjian Yan, Zhao-Liang Li, Guoqing Zhou, Kun Shao, and Yuyun Bi. 2015. Extension of the generalized split-window algorithm for land surface temperature retrieval to atmospheres with heavy dust aerosol loading, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 8(2): 825-834.
14. Xiwei Fan, Bo-Hui Tang, Hua Wu, Guangjian Yan, and Zhao-Liang Li. 2015. Daytime land surface temperature extraction from MODIS thermal infrared data under cirrus clouds, Sensors, 15(5): 9942-9961.
15. Xiwei Fan, Bo-Hui Tang, Hua Wu, Guangjian Yan, and Zhao-Liang Li. 2015. A three-channel algorithm for retrieving nighttime land surface temperature under thin cirrus clouds, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 36(19-20): 4836-4863.
1. 段四波,李召良,范熙伟. 2018. 地表温度热红外遥感反演方法. 科学出版社,专著
2. 吴骅,范熙伟,李召良,李杏朝,钱永刚,贾媛媛,王爱春,唐伯惠,唐荣林,王新鸿. 2018. 光学遥感载荷性能外场测试评价指标(GB/T 36297-2018). 国家标准.