姓名 蒋汉朝
电话 010-62009082
Email: hcjiang@ies.ac.cn



1)建立了宁夏固原寺口子长序列的湖相沉积剖面的新近纪磁性地层年代框架,通过孢粉、粒度、碳含量、色度等指标的大量样品分析,揭示了新生代近2/3时间的古气候和古环境演化受全球温度变化的主宰,将东亚冬季风和夏季风演化历史较早地由8-7 Ma向前延伸到20 Ma;2)识别并分别探讨了东亚四次(~12 Ma, 8-7 Ma,~4 Ma和~1 Ma)显著的古环境事件与极地冰量增加、青藏高原隆升、中美地峡关闭等重大全球变化之间的关联;3)针对青藏高原东缘连续湖相沉积,从高分辨率沉积指标变化机理、软沉积物变形机制、树轮和孢粉植物群变化对历史地震事件的响应等角度出发,结合物源和年代学工作,证明构造活跃地区的湖相沉积有连续记录中强地震事件的潜力。

已取得的部分成果发表在Geophysical Research Letter、GSA Bulletin、Quaternary Science Reviews、Science of the Total Environment、Journal of Geophysical Research、Geomorphology等国际地学主流期刊上。研究课题包括国家自然科学基金课题、地震动力学国家重点实验室自选课题、所长基金等。


2000-2004年       中科院地质与地球物理所,第四纪地质学专业,博士

1997-2000年       山东科技大学地球科学系,矿产普查与勘探专业,硕士

1993-1997年       山东矿业学院地球科学系,地质工程专业,本科


2021年5月至今 中国地震局地质研究所 科研处 处长

2020年5月-2021年4月 中国地震局科技与国际合作司司长助理(挂职)

2016年10月至2020年4月  中国地震局地质研究所 科研处 处长

2015年4月至2016年9月  中国地震局地质研究所 科技应用处 负责人/处长

2014-至今      中国地震局地质研究所,研究员

2008-2014年       中国地震局地质研究所,副研究员

2004-2008年    中科院地质与地球物理所地球物理学博士后流动站,博士后,合作导师:朱日祥 研究员






2017-至今  中国间冰期气候与环境专业委员会,委员

2017-至今  中国矿物岩石地球化学学会,会员

2016-至今  中国地震学会构造地貌专业委员会,委员

2012-至今  中国第四纪科学研究会,会员

2019-至今  国际地质灾害减灾协会(ICGDR)终身会员

2021-至今  中国地质学会环境地质专业委员会委员

2021-至今  中国地震学会地震灾害链专业委员会委员

2024-至今   中国地质学会第41届理事会副秘书长







1. 新疆艾比湖地区全新世地震事件研究,所长基金重点项目(编号: IGCEA1906),2019.01-2022.12,项目负责人
2. 湖北习家店古新世河湖相沉积记录的高热事件研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目(编号: 41572346),2016.01-2020.12,项目负责人
3. 快速湖相沉积对历史地震的响应研究-以岷江上游地区和银川盆地为例,地震动力学国家重点实验室自主课题 (编号: LED2013A03) ,2013.05-2016.12,项目负责人
4. 湖北习家店剖面磁性-生物地层记录对始新世全球降温的指示,国家自然科学面上项目,国家自然科学基金委员会重大项目(编号: 40972117),2010.01-2012.12,项目负责人
5. PETM气候-环境事件及生态效应的陆相高分辨率记录,国家自然科学基金重点项目(编号: 40730208),2008.01-2011.12,项目骨干
6. 固原剖面晚新生代孢粉与地化指标对构造尺度季风演化的指示(编号: 40502017),国家自然科学青年基金,2006.1-2008.12,项目负责人


1.      Zhong, N.*, Bai, Y.L., Xu, H.Y., Shi, W., Fan, J.W., Wei, X.T., Liang, L.J., Jiang, H.C.*, 2024. A continuous 18.6-10 ka record of seismic events revealed by Xinmocun lacustrine sediments at Diexi, eastern Tibetan Plateau. J. Asian Earth Sci. 267, 106152.

2.      Wei, X.T., Jiang, H.C.*, Shi, W., Fan, J.W., Xu, H.Y., Hu, W.H., Chang, X.D., Huang, S.T., Guo, Q.Q., Zhang, S.Q., Yang, Y.M., Wang, Y.W., 2024. Earthquake supercycles and fault interaction over the past 32 ka in the Lake Ebinur area, Xinjiang, China. Sci. Total Environ. 927, 172052.

3.      Shi, W., Xu, H.Y., Jiang, H.C.*, Fan, J.W., Zhong, N., Zhang, S.Q., 2024. Millennial-scale climate change recorded by clay minerals during the last deglaciation on the Eastern Tibetan Plateau. Quat. Int. 693, 18-26.

4.      Shi, W., Jiang, H.C.*, Ian Alsop, G., 2024. Tectonic signals documented in gravel and silt beds: A comprehensive review of the eastern Tibetan Plateau. J. Struct. Geol. 180, 105067.

5.      Wei, X.T., Jiang, H.C.*, Xu, H.Y., Li, Y.M., Shi, W., Guo, Q.Q., Zhang, S.Q., 2023. Climate transition over the past two centuries revealed by lake Ebinur in Xinjiang, northwest China. J. Arid Environ. 216, 105025.

6.      Jiang, H.C.*, Yin, Q.Z.*, Berger, A., Wei, L.H., Wu, Z.P., Wei, X.T., Shi, W., 2023. Orbitally and galactic cosmic forced abrupt climate events during the last glacial period. Quat. Sci. Rev. 301, 107921. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2022.107921.

7.      Shi, W., Jiang, H.C. *, Liang, L.J., Xu, H.Y., Fan, J.W., 2023. Factors controlling the spatiotemporal variability of dust magnetic susceptibility across the Chinese Loess Plateau and eastern Tibetan Plateau. Quat. Int. 661, 1-9.

8.      Jiang, H.C. *, Xu, C., Adhikari, B.R., Liu, X.Q., Tan, X.B. and Yuan, R.M., 2022. Editorial: Environmental change driven by climatic change, tectonism and landslide. Front. Earth Sci. 10:1076801. Doi:10.3389/feart.2022.1076801.

9.      Shi, W., Jiang, H.C.*, Xu, H.Y., Ma, S.Y., Fan, J.W., Zhang, S.Q., Guo, Q.Q., and Wei, X.T., 2022. Response of modern fluvial sediments to regional tectonic activity along the upper Min River, eastern Tibet. Earth Surf. Dynam. 10, 1195-1209.

10.   Guo, Q.Q., Jiang, H.C.*, Fan, J.W., Li, Y.M., Shi, W., Zhang, S.Q., Wei, X.T., 2022. Strongest chemical weathering in response to the coldest period in Guyuan, Ningxia, China, during 14-11 Ma. PLoS ONE 17(5): e0268195. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0268195.

11.   Shi, W., Jiang, H.C.*, Alsop, G.I., and Wu, G., 2022. A continuous 13.3-ka paleoseismic record constrains major earthquake recurrence in the Longmen Shan Collision Zone. Front. Earth Sci. 10:838299. doi:10.3389/feart.2022.838299.

12.   Jiang, H.*, Zhang, J., Zhang, S., Zhong, N., Wan, S., Alsop, G.I., Xu, H., Guo, Q., Yan, Z., 2022. Tectonic and climatic impacts on environmental evolution in East Asia during the Palaeogene. Geophys. Res. Lett. 49, e2021GL096832. https://doi.org/10.1029/2021GL096832.

13.   Zhang, S.Q., Jiang, H.C. *, Fan, J.W., Xu, H.Y., Shi, W., Guo, Q.Q. and Wei, X.T., 2021. Accumulation of a last deglacial gravel layer at Diexi, eastern Tibetan Plateau and its possible seismic significance. Front. Earth Sci. 9:797732. doi:10.3389/feart.2021.797732.

14.   Liang, L.J., Qiao, X.F., Zhong, N., Jiang, H.C.*, 2021. Seismically triggered soft-sediment deformation structures in Tashkorgan lacustrine sediments, northeastern Pamir, China. Quat. Int. 604, 82-92.

15.   Wei, X.T., Jiang, H.C.*, Xu, H.Y., Fan, J.W., Shi, W., Guo, Q.Q., Zhang, S.Q., 2021. Response of sedimentary and pollen records to the 1933 Diexi earthquake on the eastern Tibetan Plateau. Ecological Indicators 129, 107887.

16.   Shi, W., Jiang, H.C.*, Mao, X., Xu, H.Y., 2020. Pollen record of climate change during the last deglaciation from the eastern Tibetan Plateau. PLoS ONE 15(5): e0232803. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0232803.

17.   Fan, J.W.*, Wei, X.T., Shi, W., Guo, Q.Q., Zhang, S.Q., Xu, H.Y., Song, H.M., Xu, C.X., An, W.L., Jiang, H.C.*, 2020. Response of tree rings to earthquakes during the past 350 years at Jiuzhaigou in the eastern Tibet. Sci. total Environ. 731:138714.

18.   Zhong, N., Jiang, H.C.*, Li, H.B., Xu, H.Y., Shi, W., Zhang, S.Q., and Wei, X.T., 2019. Last deglacial soft-sediment deformation at Shawan on the eastern Tibetan Plateau and implications for deformation processes and seismic magnitudes. Acta Geologica Sinica 93, 430-450.

19.   Jiang, H.C.*, Zhong, N., Li, Y.H., Ma, X.L., Xu, H.Y., Shi, W., Zhang, S.Q., Nie, G.Z., 2017. A continuous 13.3-ka record of seismogenic dust events in lacustrine sediments in the eastern Tibetan Plateau. Sci. Rep. 7:15686, doi:10.1038/s41598-017-16027-8.

20.   Jiang, H.C.*, Wan, S.M., Ma, X.L., Zhong, N., and Zhao, D.B., 2017. End-member modeling of the grain-size record of Sikouzi fine sediments in Ningxia (China) and implications for temperature control of Neogene evolution of East Asian winter monsoon. PLoS ONE 12(10): e0186153. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0186153

21.   Zhong, N., Song, X.S., Xu, H.Y., Jiang, H.C.*, 2017. Influence of a tectonically active mountain belt on its foreland basin: Evidence from detrital zircon dating of bedrocks and sediments from the eastern Tibetan Plateau and Sichuan Basin, SW China. J. Asian Earth Sci. 146, 251-264.

22.   Liang, L.J. and Jiang, H.C.*, 2017. Geochemical composition of the last deglacial lacustrine sediments in East Tibet and implications for provenance, weathering and earthquake events. Quat. Int. 430, 41-51.

23.   Jiang, H.C.*, Zhong, N., Li, Y.H., Xu, H.Y., Yang, H.L., Peng, X.P., 2016. Soft sediment deformation structures in the Lixian lacustrine sediments, Eastern Tibetan Plateau and implications for postglacial seismic activity. Sediment. Geol. 344, 123-134.

24.   Jiang, H.C.*, Guo, G.X., Cai, X.M., Thompson, J.A., Xu, H.Y., Zhong, N., 2016. Geochemical evidence of windblown origin of the Late Cenozoic lacustrine sediments in Beijing and implications for weathering and climate change. Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol. 446, 32-43.

25.   Jiang, H.C., Shevenell, A.*, Yu, S., Xu, H.Y., Mao, X., 2015. Decadal- to centennial-scale East Asian summer monsoon variability during the Medieval Climate Anomaly reconstructed from an eastern Tibet lacustrine sequence. J. Paleolimnol. 54, 205-222.

26.   Xu, H.Y., Jiang, H.C.*, Yu, S., Yang, H.L., Chen, J., 2015. OSL and pollen concentrate 14C dating of dammed lake sediments at Maoxian, east Tibet, and implications for two historical earthquakes in AD 638 and 952. Quat. Int. 371, 290-299.

27.   Jiang, H.C.*, Zhong, N., Li, Y.H., Xu, H.Y., Ma, X.L., Meng, Y.F., Mao, X., 2014. Magnetostratigraphy and grain size record of the Xijiadian fluviolacustrine sediments in East China and its implied stepwise enhancement of the westerly circulation during the Eocene period. J. Geophys. Res.-Solid Earth 119, 7442-7457.

28.   Jiang, H.C.*, Mao, X., Xu, H.Y., Yang, H.L., Ma, X.L., Zhong, N., Li, Y.H., 2014. Provenance and earthquake signature of the last deglacial Xinmocun lacustrine sediments at Diexi, East Tibet. Geomorphology 204, 518-531.

29.   Jiang, H.C.*, Guo, G.X., Cai, X.M., Xu, H.Y., Ma, X.L., Zhong, N. and Li, Y.H., 2013. A pollen record of the Mid-Pleistocene Transition from Beijing, North China. J. Quat. Sci. 28, 720-728.

30.   Xu, H.Y., Jiang, H.C.*, Mai, X.S., Ma, X.L., 2013. A new processing method for the pollen samples from Palaeogene red beds in the Liguanqiao Basin, Hubei Province, and Pleistocene loess from the Chinese Loess Plateau. Quat. Int. 286, 45-55.

31.   Ma, X.L., Jiang, H.C.*, Cheng, J., Xu, H.Y., 2012. Spatiotemporal evolution of Paleogene palynoflora in China and its implications for development of the extensional basins in East China. Rev. Palaeobot. Palynol. 184, 24-35.

32.   Jiang, H.C.*, Mao, X., Xu, H.Y., Thompson, J., Wang, P., Ma, X.L., 2011. Last glacial pollen record from Lanzhou (Northwestern China) and possible forcing mechanisms for the MIS 3 climate change in Middle to East Asia. Quat. Sci. Rev. 30, 769-781.

33.   Jiang, H.C.*, Mao, X., Xu, H.Y., Thompson, J., Ma, X.L., 2010. ~4 Ma coarsening of sediments from Baikal, Chinese Loess Plateau and South China Sea and implications for the onset of NH glaciation. Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol. 298, 201-209.

34.   Jiang, H.C.* and Ding, Z.L., 2010. Eolian grain-size signature of the Sikouzi lacustrine sediments (Chinese Loess Plateau): Implications for Neogene evolution of the East Asian winter monsoon. GSA Bulletin 122, 843-854.

35.   Jiang, H.C.*, Wang, P., Thompson, J., Ding, Z.L., Lu, Y.C., 2009. Last glacial climate instability documented by coarse-grained sediments within the loess sequence, at Fanjiaping, Lanzhou, China. Quat. Res. 72, 91-102.

36.   Jiang, H.C.*, Ding, Z.L., 2009. Spatial and temporal characteristics of Neogene palynoflora in China and its implication for the spread of steppe vegetation. J. Arid Environ. 73, 765-772.

37.   Jiang, H.C.*, Ji, J.L., Gao, L., Tang, Z.H., Ding, Z.L., 2008. Cooling-driven climate change at 12-11 Ma: multiproxy records from a long fluviolacustrine sequence at Guyuan, Ningxia, China. Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol. 265, 148-158.

38.   Jiang, H.C.*, Ding, Z.L., 2008. A 20 Ma pollen record of East-Asian summer monsoon evolution from Guyuan, Ningxia, China. Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol. 265, 30-38.

39.   Jiang, H.C.*, Ding, Z.L., Xiong, S.F., 2007. Magnetostratigraphy of the Neogene Sikouzi section at Guyuan, Ningxia, China. Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol. 243, 223-234.

40.   Jiang, H.C.*, Ding, Z.L., 2005. Temporal and spatial changes of vegetation cover on the Chinese Loess Plateau through the last glacial cycle: evidence from spore-pollen records. Rev. Palaeobot. Palynol. 133, 23-37.

41.   蒋汉朝,2018. 结合青藏高原东缘湖沼地震学研究进展浅议“震积岩”一词之去留. 中国科技术语 20(6), 44-46.

42.   钟宁,蒋汉朝*,梁莲姬,徐红艳,彭小平,2017. 软沉积物变形中负载、球-枕构造的古地震研究综述. 地质论评 63(3), 719-738.

43.    李艳豪,蒋汉朝*,徐红艳,梁莲姬,2015. 四川岷江上游滑坡触发因素分析. 地震地质 37(4), 1147-1161.

44.   白友良,蒋汉朝*,陈剑杰,袁革新,郑杨琳,徐红艳,王华伟,2013. 新疆孔雀河北缘中更新世湖相沉积物的孢粉植物群初步研究. 第四纪研究 33(5), 856-865.

45.   郭高轩,蒋汉朝*,蔡向民,刘久荣,徐红艳,2013. 北京新5孔第四纪孢粉记录及其对更新世气候变化的响应. 第四纪研究 33(6), 1160-1170.

46.   蒋汉朝,王明镇,张锡麒,李增学, 2002. 山东济宁煤田(东区)晚古生代孢粉组合. 地质科学 37(1), 47-61.

47.   蒋汉朝,张锡麒,王明镇,李增学, 2002. 山东济宁煤田(东区)本溪组和太原组牙形刺生物地层. 地层学杂志 26(1), 27-38.

48.   蒋汉朝,王明镇,张锡麒,李增学, 2001. 山东济宁煤田(东区)太原组小有孔虫生物地层. 地层学杂志 25(3), 174-181.

49.   蒋汉朝, 2001. 我国部分地区E13~E21孢粉属种演变的古气候意义. 微体古生物学报 18(4), 412-418.

50.   蒋汉朝,王明镇,张锡麒,李增学, 2001. 山东济宁煤田东区太原组蜓类动物群. 古生物学报 40(4), 514-522.

51.   蒋汉朝,王明镇,张锡麒, 2000. 山东肥城煤田晚石炭世-早二叠世小有孔虫动物群. 山东科技大学学报 19(2), 89-96.

52.   蒋汉朝,张锡麒,王明镇, 1999. 济宁唐阳井田晚古生代含煤岩系孢粉组合及其地质时代. 山东矿业学院学报18(4), 79-85.


1.      Zhang, F.M., Fan, J.W., Xu, H.Y., Shi, W., Wei, X.T., Jiang, H.C., Zhang, W., Xiao, J.L., 2024. Carbon sequestration in a typical mountain lake associated with earthquakes, floods, droughts, and human activities in southern Altay during the late Holocene. Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol. 655, 112554.

2.      Liang, L.J., Lu, Z.H., Zhang, Q.T., Tian, H.S., Dai, F.C., Jiang, H.C., Zhong, N., 2024. Shaking table simulation of soft sediment deformation structures in lacustrine sediments. Sedimentary Geology 472, 106756.

3.      Zhong, N., Jiang, H.C., Li, H.B., Zhang, X.B., Yang, Z., Yu, H., 2023. A continuous 18-10.2 ka paleo-earthquake events revealed by the Luobozhai lacustrine sediments, eastern Tibetan Plateau. Quat. Int. 673, 40-52.

4.      Jing, S.W., Wang, F.D., Capezzuoli, E., Huang, G.Q., Li, J.H., Jiang, H.C., Zhou, Z.J., Zhao, X.Q., Dong, F.Q. and Brogi, A., 2023. Characteristics of seismogenic dust particles from a mountain and their significance for paleoseismic records in a tufa section: A case study of Jiuzhaigou, China. Minerals 2023, 13, 981. https://doi.org/10.3390/min13070981

5.      Xu, H.Y., Fan, J.W., Jiang, H.C., Wei, X.T., Yang, Y.M., Shi, W., Guo, Q.Q., Zhang, S.Q., 2023. Late Holocene environmental changes inferred from pollen records of Yileimu Lake sediments, southern Altai Mountains, Northwest China. Catena 228, 107181.

6.      Fan, J.W., Zhai, D.Y., Xu, H.Y., Wei, X.T., Jin, C.F., Jiang, H.C., Shi, W., Liu, X.Q., 2023. Distinct lake sedimentary imprints of earthquakes, floods and human activities in the Xiaojiang Fault zone: Towards a quantitative paleoseismograph in the southeastern Tibetan Plateau. Science of the Total Environment 868, 161662.

7.      Fan, J.W., Xu, H.Y., Jiang, H.C., Wei, X.T., Shi, W., Guo, Q.Q. Zhang, S.Q., Bai, X.Z., Liu, X.Q. and Xiao, J.L., 2023. Millennial- to centennial-scale anti-phase relationship between the Westerlies and the East Asian summer monsoon and its cultural response along the Silk Roads after a great earthquake in southern Altay ~3500 cal a BP. J. Quat. Sci. 38, 123-137.

8.      Fan, J.W., Jiang, H.C., Xu, H.Y., Zhang, W., 2022. Impacts of seismic activity and climatic change on Chinese history in the recent millennium. J. Geogr. Sci. 32, 2328-2348.

9.      Fan, J.W., Jiang, H.C., Shi, W., Guo, Q.Q., Zhang, S.Q., Wei, X.T., Xu, H.Y., Liu, Y.H., Xue, D.S., Zhong, N., Huang, S.T., Chang, X.D., Shi, X.J., Yasen, O., Bahetihan, Y., Xiao, J.L., 2021. A 450-year warming and wettin climate in southern Altay inferred from a Yileimu Lake sediment core. Quaternary International 592, 37-50.

10.   Li, Y.M., Zhao, L., Jiang, H.C., Zhang, Y. and Kong, Z.C., 2021. New biological records of paleoecological changes inferred from pollen since 2500 cal. a B.P. in the Ebinur Lake area, North Xinjiang. Acta Geologica Sinica 95, 1413-1414.

11.   Fan, J.W., Jiang, H.C., Shi, W., Guo, Q.Q., Zhang, S.Q., Wei, X.T., Xu, H.Y., Zhong, N., Huang, S.T., Chang, X.D., Xiao, J.L., 2020. A 450-year lacustrine record of recurrent seismic activities around the Fuyun fault, Altay Mountains, Northwest China. Quaternary International 558, 75-88.

12.   Xu, H.Y., Jiang, H.C., Liu, K., Zhong, N., 2020. Potential pollen evidence for the 1933 M7.5 Diexi earthquake and implications for post-seismic landscape recovery. Environmental Research Letters 15:094043.

13.   Zhong, N., Li, H.B., Jiang, H.C., Lu, H.J., Zheng, Y., Han, S., Ye, J.C., 2020. Typical soft-sediment deformation structures induced by freeze/thaw cycles: a case study of Quaternary alluvial deposits in the northern Qiangtang Basin, Tibetan Plateau. Acta Geologica Sinica 94, 176-188.

14.   Liang, L.J., Dai, F.C., Jiang, H.C., Zhong, N., 2018. A preliminary study on the soft-sediment deformation structures in the late Quaternary lacustrine sediments at Tashkorgan, northeastern Pamir, China. Acta Geologica Sinica 92, 1574-1591.

15.   Ma, X.L. and Jiang, H.C., 2015. Combined tectonics and climate forcing for the widespread aeolian dust accumulation in the Chinese Loess Plateau since the early late Miocene. International Geology Review 57, 1861-1876.

16.   Ji, J.L., Luo, P., White, P., Jiang, H.C., Gao, L., Ding, Z.L., 2008. Episodic uplift of the Tianshan Mountains since the late Oligocene constrained by magnetostratigraphy of the Jingou River section, in the southern margin of the Junggar Basin, China. Journal of Geophysical Research 113, B05102, doi: 10.1029/2007JB005064.

17.   Zhao, D.B., Wan, S.M., Toucanne, S., Clift, P.D., Tada, R., Revillon, S., Kubota, Y., Zheng, X.F., Yu, Z.J., Huang, J., Jiang, H.C., Xu, Z.K., Shi,X.F., and Li, A.C., 2017. Distinct control meachanism of fine-grained sediments from Yellow River and Kyushu supply in the northern Okinawa Trough since the last glacial. Geochem. Geophys. Geosys. 18(8), 2949-2969.

18.   Tang, Z.H., Ding, Z.L., White, P.D., Dong, X.X., Ji, J.L., Jiang, H.C., Luo, P., and Wang, X., 2011. Late Cenozoic central Asian drying inferred from a palynological record from the northern Tian Shan. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 302(3/4), 439-447.

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