简 介:
1989年10月生,河北邯郸人,理学博士,副研究员。2013年和2016年本科、硕士毕业于中国石油大学(华东),2020年博士毕业于中国地震地质研究所和法国尼斯大学,获双博士学位。主要从事地壳形变观测与地震动力学模拟研究。主持国家重点研发课题1项、国家自然科学基金2项、国家重点研发专题3项、中国博士后面上项目1项及其他省部级纵向项目2项;以第一/通讯作者在EPSL、SciB、GRL、JGR-Solid Earth等期刊发表SCI论文20余篇,参与专著编写3部。
2017-2020年: 法国尼斯大学- Géoazur实验室,行星与宇宙科学,博士
2016-2020年: 中国地震局地质研究所,固体地球物理学,博士
2013-2016年: 中国石油大学(华东),测绘科学与技术,硕士
2009-2013年: 中国石油大学(华东),测绘工程,本科
2022.08-至今: 中国地震局地质研究所,副研究员
2020-2022年: 中国地震局地质研究所,地质学博士后流动站,博士后
《Earthquake Research Advances》期刊,青年编委
1. 国家重点研发课题,2024-2027,主持
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,天祝地震空区-古浪断裂复杂三联构造滑动分配、强震潜能及破裂模式研究,2024-2027,主持
3. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,海原断裂1920年地震破裂段闭锁/蠕滑特征及断层自发破裂模拟研究,2021-2024,主持
4. 国家重点研发专题,川滇地区主要边界断裂的震间闭锁特征研究,2021-2024,主持
5. 国家重点研发专题,示范区星-地联合形变、热红外、断层逸出气体的地震异常信息协同化监测示范,2020-2023,主持
6. 中国博士后面上基金,海原断裂1920年地震破裂段浅层蠕滑特征及摩擦特性研究,2021-2022,主持
7. 中国地震局地质研究所基本科研业务专项,基于断层闭锁状态的1920年海原地震自发破裂模拟研究,2023-2024,主持
8. 中国地震局地质研究所基本科研业务专项,海原断裂东段精细运动特征的GPS/InSAR观测研究,2020-2022,主持
9. 国家自然科学基金重点项目,鲜水河断裂带震间蠕滑的识别、机制及强震危险性预测研究,2022-2025,参加
10. 国家自然科学基金重点项目,基于高频GNSS地震学的震源参数与破裂过程实时反演研究,2017-2021,参加
1. Li, Y., Shan, X., Qu, C., Zhang, G., Wang, X., & Xiong, H. (2025). Slip deficit rate and seismic potential on crustal faults in Tibet. Geophysical Research Letters, 52(1), e2024GL112122.
2. Li, Y., Wang, L., Shan, X., & Zhao, D. (2024). Spatiotemporal dominance of afterslip and viscoelastic relaxation revealed by four decades of post-1973 Luhuo earthquake observations. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 644, 118949.
3. Li, Y., Shan, X., Qu, C., Zhang, G., & Song, X. (2024). Earthquake potential across the North-South seismic belt of China. Science Bulletin, 69(2), 179–182.
4. Li, Y., Shan, X., Gao, Z., et al. (2023). Interseismic coupling, asperity distribution, and earthquake potential on major faults in southeastern Tibet. Geophysical Research Letters, 50, e2022GL101209.
5. Li, Y., Zhao, D., Shan, X., et al. (2022). Coseismic slip model of the 2022 Mw 6.7 Luding (Tibet) earthquake: Pre- and post-earthquake interactions with surrounding major faults. Geophysical Research Letters, 49, e2022GL102043.
6. Li, Y., Nocquet, J. M., Shan, X., Song, X. (2021). Geodetic observations of shallow creep on the Laohushan-Haiyuan fault, northeastern Tibet. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 126(6), e2020JB021576.
7. Li, Y., Nocquet, J. M., Shan, X., Jian, H. (2021). Heterogeneous interseismic coupling along the Xianshuihe-Xiaojiang fault system, eastern Tibet. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 126(11), e2020JB021187.
8. Li, Y., Shan, X., Qu, C., Liu, Y., et al. (2018). Crustal deformation of the Altyn Tagh fault based on GPS. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 123(11), 10309-10322.
9. Jian, H., Gong, W., Li, Y*., Wang, L*. (2022). Bayesian inference of fault slip and coupling along the Tuosuo Lake segment of the Kunlun fault, China. Geophysical Research Letters, 49, e2021GL096882.
10. Li, Y., Shan, X., Gao, Z., & Qu, C. (2024). Interseismic coupling–based stochastic slip modeling of the 1920 Ms 8.5 Haiyuan earthquake. Seismological Research Letters, 95(2A), 870-878.
11. Li, Y., Nocquet, J. M., Shan, X. (2022). Crustal deformation across the western Altyn Tagh fault (86°E) from GPS and InSAR. Geophysical Journal International, 228(2), 1361-1372.
12. Li, Y., Shan, X. (2022). Interseismic coupling along the Xianshuihe-Xiaojiang fault system. China Seismic Experimental Site: Theoretical Framework and Ongoing Practice. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 135-146.
13. Li, Y., Shan, X., Zhu, C., et al. (2020). Geodetic model of the 2018 Mw 7.2 Pinotepa (Mexico) earthquake inferred from InSAR and GPS data. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 110(3), 1115-1124.
14. Li, Y., Shan, X., Qu, C., et al. (2017). Elastic block and strain modeling of GPS data around the Haiyuan-Liupanshan fault, northeastern Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 150, 87-97.
15. Li, Y., Shan, X., Qu, C., et al. (2016). Fault locking and slip rate deficit of the Haiyuan-Liupanshan fault zone in the northeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Geodynamics, 102, 47-57.
16. Li, Y., Song, X., Shan, X., et al. (2016). Locking degree and slip rate deficit distribution on MHT fault before 2015 Nepal Mw 7.9 earthquake. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 119, 78-86.
17. Li, Y., Shan, X., Qu, C. (2019). Geodetic constraints on the crustal deformation along the Kunlun fault and its tectonic implications. Remote Sensing, 11(15), 1775.
18. Li, Y., Zhang, G., Shan, X., et al. (2018). GPS-derived fault coupling of the Longmenshan fault associated with the 2008 Mw Wenchuan 7.9 earthquake and its tectonic implications. Remote Sensing, 10(5), 753.
19. Li, Y., Shan, X., Song, X., et al. (2016) Fault locking and slip rate deficit on the middle and southern segment of the Tancheng-Lujiang fault inverted from GPS data. Chinese Journal of Geophysics (in Chinese), 59(11), 4022-4034.
20. Li, Y., Qu, C., Shan, X., et al. (2015). Deformation of the Haiyuan-Liupanshan fault zone inferred from the denser GPS observations. Earthquake Science, 28(5-6), 319-331.
21. Gao, Z#., Li, Y*., Shan, X., et al. (2024). Quick prediction of earthquake ground shaking intensity using high-rate GNSS: a case study of the 2021 Mw 7.3 Maduo earthquake. Journal of Earth Science.
22. Shan, X., Li, Y*., Wang, Z., et al. (2021). GNSS for quasi-real-time earthquake source determination in eastern Tibet: a prototype system toward early warning applications. Seismological Research Letters, 92(5), 2988-2997.
23. 高志钰#, 李彦川*, 单新建, & 黄星. (2024). 基于模拟高频 GNSS 数据的安宁河断裂强震滑动分布快速反演研究. 武汉大学学报 (信息科学版), 49(9), 1527-1537.
24. Huang, X#., Jolivet, R., Li, Y., Shan, X., & Raimbault, B. (2025). The 2023 Mw 6.9 Sarez, Tajikistan earthquake: subparallel faulting and distributed deformation of the Pamir. Geophysical Journal International, 240(3), 1790-1801.
25. Huang, X#., Li, Y., Shan, X., et al. (2023). InSAR observations reveal variations in shallow creep on the Kangding segment of the Xianshuihe fault. Seismological Research Letters, 94(5), 2291-2300.
26. Gao, Z#., Li, Y., Shan, X., et al. (2022). Testing a prototype earthquake early warning system: a retrospective study of the 2021 Mw 7.4 Maduo (Tibet) earthquake. Seismological Research Letters, 93(3), 1650-1659.
27. Huang, X#., Li, Y., Shan, X., Zhong, M., Wang, X., & Gao, Z. (2024). Fault Kinematics of the 2023 Mw 6.0 Jishishan Earthquake, China, Characterized by Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar Observations. Remote Sensing, 16(10), 1746.
28. Gao, Z#., Li, Y., Shan, X., et al. (2021). Earthquake magnitude estimation from high-rate GNSS data: a case study of the 2021 Mw 7.3 Maduo earthquake. Remote Sensing, 13(21), 4478.
29. Liu, H., Gan, W., Li, Y., Li, Z., Liu, L., Zhang, L., Liang, S., Zhang, K., Li, Y., & Dai, C. (2025). Mechanism of crustal deformation around the Lajishan-Jishishan Tectonic Belt, NE Tibet, and implications for occurrence of the 2023 Jishishan MS 6.2 earthquake. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 279, 106449.
30. Zhang, G., Qu, C., Shan, X., Song, X., Zhang, Y., & Li, Y. (2023). Present-day crustal deformation of the northwestern Tibetan Plateau based on InSAR measurements. Remote Sensing, 15(21), 5195.
31. Zhao, L., Qu, C., Shan, X., Zhao, D., Gong, W., & Li, Y. (2021). Coseismic deformation and multi-fault slip model of the 2019 Mindanao earthquake sequence derived from Sentinel-1 and ALOS-2 data. Tectonophysics, 799, 228707.
32. Jian, H., Wang, L., Ren, Z., Gong, W., Li, Y., Liu, J. (2020). Study on present-day slip rate and fault locking along the Elashan fault based on GPS velocity field. Chinese Journal of Geophysics (in Chinese).
33. Li, C., Zhang, G., Shan, X., Zhao, D., Li, Y., Huang, Z., ... & Nie, J. (2020). Surface rupture kinematics and coseismic slip distribution during the 2019 Mw7. 1 Ridgecrest, California earthquake sequence revealed by SAR and optical images. Remote Sensing, 12(23), 3883.
34. Qu, C., Qiao, X., Shan, X., Zhao, D., Zhao, L., Gong, W., & Li, Y. (2020). InSAR 3-d coseismic displacement field of the 2015 Mw 7.8 Nepal earthquake: Insights into complex fault kinematics during the event. Remote Sensing, 12(23), 3982.
35. Jian, H., Wang, L., Gan, W., Zhang, K., Li, Y., Liang, S., Liu, Y., Gong, W., Yin, Z. (2019). Geodetic model of the 2017 Mw 6.5 Mainling earthquake inferred from GPS and InSAR data. Remote Sensing, 11(24), 2940.
36. Huang, Z., Zhang, G., Shan, X., Gong, W., Zhang, Y., Li, Y. (2019). Co-seismic deformation and fault slip model of the 2017 Mw 7.3 Darbandikhan, Iran-Iraq earthquake inferred from D-InSAR measurement. Remote Sensing, 11(21), 2521.
37. Zhu, C., Jiao, Z., Shan, X., Zhang, G., Li, Y. (2019). Land surface temperature variation following the 2017 Mw 7.3 Iran earthquake. Remote Sensing, 11, 2411.
38. 赵德政, 屈春燕, 单新建, 张国宏, 李彦川, 龚文瑜, & 宋小刚. (2021). 2001年Mw 7.8昆仑山地震震后形变观测, 机制与青藏高原中北部岩石圈流变: 认识与挑战. 地震学报, 43(6), 804-816.
39. 华俊, 赵德政, 单新建, 屈春燕, 张迎峰, 龚文瑜, 王振杰, 李成龙, 李彦川, ... & 王绍俊. (2021). 2021年青海玛多Mw 7. 3地震InSAR的同震形变场, 断层滑动分布及其对周边区域的应力扰动. 地震地质, 43 (3), 677-691.
40. 单新建, 尹昊, 刘晓东, 王振杰, 屈春燕, 张国宏, 张迎峰, 李彦川, 汪驰升, & 姜宇. (2019). 高频GNSS实时地震学与地震预警研究现状. 地球物理学报, 62(8), 3043-3052.
41. 朱传华, 单新建, 张国宏, 焦中虎, 张迎峰, 李彦川, & 乔鑫. (2019). 汶川地震热异常与构造应力关联的数值模拟. 地震地质, 41(6), 1497-1510.
42. 乔鑫, 屈春燕, 单新建, 李彦川, & 朱传华. (2019). 基于时序InSAR的海原断裂带形变特征及运动学参数反演. 地震地质, 41(6), 1481-1496.
43. 温少妍, 单新建, 张国宏, 张迎峰, 屈春燕, 赵德政, & 李彦川. (2018). 基于InSAR和远场地震波联合反演2008年Mw 6.3大柴旦地震震源破裂过程. 地球物理学报, 61(6), 2301-2309.
44. 尹昊, 单新建, 张迎峰, 屈春燕, 王振杰, 刘晓东, 张国宏, & 李彦川. (2018). 高频GPS和强震仪数据在汶川地震参数快速确定中的初步应用. 地球物理学报, 61(5), 1806-1816.
45. 单新建, 张国宏, 汪驰升, 李彦川, 屈春燕, 宋小刚, ... & 刘云华. (2015). 基于InSAR和GPS观测数据的尼泊尔地震发震断层特征参数联合反演研究. 地球物理学报, 58(11), 4266-4276.