简 介:
1)在岷江上游流域开展孢粉记录的地震事件研究,识别出1933年M7.5叠溪地震对应整体孢粉浓度最低、孢粉类型最单调、草本花粉与蕨类孢子含量较高的层位,震后植被恢复以胡颓子科迅速发育为特征;2)对柴达木盆地红沟新生代河湖相沉积剖面开展详细的孢粉、碳含量、粒度等环境指标分析,认为红沟剖面主要为新近纪以来的沉积,与磁性地层和哺乳动物化石吻合,松科花粉在~10 Ma含量增加,响应了全球变冷和青藏高原东北缘的构造隆升。已取得的部分成果发表在Environmental Research Letters、Quaternary International、Quaternary Science Reviews、Journal of Geophysical Research等国际地学主流期刊上。
2011-2018年 中国地震局地质研究所,构造地质学专业,博士
2006-2009年 中国科学院植物研究所,植物学专业,硕士
2002-2006年 鲁东大学,生物科学专业,本科
2018.1-至今 中国地震局地质研究所,高级工程师
2009.7-2017.12 中国地震局地质研究所,助理工程师、工程师
2018.11-2019.11:Louisiana State University,访问学者,地震湖沼学,合作导师:Kam-biu Liu教授
祁连山南北缘晚新生代孢粉记录对比及其对构造-气候变化的响应,国家自然科学基金项目(编号: 41602358),2017.01-2019.12,项目负责人
地震堰塞湖沉积的孢粉植物群对地震事件的响应,所长基金 (编号: IGCEA1508),2015.08-2018.12,项目负责人
孢粉浓缩物测年方法的研究——以岷江上游晚更新世湖相沉积为例,所长基金 (编号: IGCEA1012) ,2010.01-2012.12,项目负责人
新疆艾比湖地区全新世地震事件研究,所长基金重点项目(编号: IGCEA1906),2019.01-2022.12,项目骨干
Xu, H.Y.*, Jiang, H.C., Liu, K., Zhong, N., 2020. Potential pollen evidence for the 1933 M 7.5 Diexi earthquake and implications for post-seismic landscape recovery. Environmental Research Letters 15: 094043.
Xu, H.Y., Jiang, H.C.*, Yu, S., Yang, H.L., Chen, J., 2015. OSL and pollen concentrate 14C dating of dammed lake sediments at Maoxian, east Tibet, and implications for two historical earthquakes in AD 638 and 952. Quaternary International 371, 290–299.
Xu, H.Y., Jiang, H.C.*, Mai, X.S., Ma, X.L., 2013. A new processing method for the pollen samples from Palaeogene red beds in the Liguanqiao Basin, Hubei Province, and Pleistocene loess from the Chinese Loess Plateau. Quaternary International 286, 45–55.
Xu, H.Y., Chang, F.M., Luo, Y.L.*, Sun, X.J., 2009. Palaeoenvironmental changes from pollen record in deep sea core PC-1 from northern Okinawa Trough, East China Sea during the past 24 ka. Chinese Science Bulletin 54, 3739–3748.
Fan, J.W., Wei, X.T., Shi, W., Guo, Q.Q., Zhang, S.Q., Xu, H.Y., Song, H.M., Xu, C.X., An, W.L., Jiang, H.C., 2020. Response of tree rings to earthquakes during the past 350 years at Jiuzhaigou in the eastern Tibet. Science of the total Environment 731: 138714.
Zhong, N., Jiang, H.C., Li, H.B., Xu, H.Y., Shi, W., Zhang, S.Q., and Wei, X.T., 2019. Last deglacial soft-sediment deformation at Shawan on the eastern Tibetan Plateau and implications for deformation processes and seismic magnitudes. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition) 93(2), 430–450.
Jiang, H.C., Zhong, N., Li, Y.H., Ma, X.L., Xu, H.Y., Shi, W., Zhang, S.Q., Nie, G.Z., 2017. A continuous 13.3-ka record of seismogenic dust events in lacustrine sediments in the eastern Tibetan Plateau. Scientific Reports 7:15686.
Zhong, N., Song, X.S., Xu, H.Y., Jiang, H.C., 2017. Influence of a tectonically active mountain belt on its foreland basin: Evidence from detrital zircon dating of bedrocks and sediments from the eastern Tibetan Plateau and Sichuan Basin, SW China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 146 251–264.
Jiang, H.C., Zhong, N., Li, Y.H., Xu, H.Y., Yang, H.L., Peng, X.P., 2016. Soft sediment deformation structures in the Lixian lacustrine sediments, eastern Tibetan Plateau and implications for postglacial seismic activity. Sedimentary Geology 344, 123–134.
Jiang, H., Guo, G.X., Cai, X.M., Thompson, J., Xu, H.Y., Zhong, N., 2016. Geochemical evidence of windblown origin of the Late Cenozoic lacustrine sediments in Beijing and implications for weathering and climate change. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 446, 32–43.
Jiang, H., Shevenell, A., Yu, S., Xu, H., Mao, X., 2015. Decadal- to centennial-scale East Asian summer monsoon variability during the Medieval Climate Anomaly reconstructed from an eastern Tibet lacustrine sequence. Journal of Paleolimnology 54(2/3) 205–222.
Jiang, H., Mao, X., Xu, H., Yang, H., Ma, X., Zhong, N., Li, Y., 2014. Provenance and earthquake signature of the last deglacial Xinmocun lacustrine sediments at Diexi, East Tibet. Geomorphology 204 518–531.
Jiang, H., Zhong, N., Li, Y., Xu, H.Y., Ma, X., Meng, Y., Mao, X., 2014. Magnetostratigraphy and grain size record of the Xijiadian fluviolacustrine sediments in East China and its implied stepwise enhancement of the westerly circulation during the Eocene period. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 119 7442–7457.
Jiang, H., Guo, G.X., Cai, X.M., Xu, H.Y., Ma, X.L., Zhong, N., Li, Y.H., 2013. A pollen record of the Mid-Pleistocene Transition from Beijing, North China. Journal of Quaternary Science 28(7) 720–728.
Ma, X.L., Jiang, H.C., Cheng, J., Xu, H.Y., 2012. Spatiotemporal evolution of Paleogene palynoflora in China and its implication for development of the extensional basins in East China. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 184 24–35.